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Membership Requirements
You must be proposed for membership by an Elk Member in good standing. There is a one-time Initiation Fee of $50 ($1 during our membership drive through the month of July!) and our dues are $137.00 per year payable by April 1st each year. If you are initiated during the year, the dues are pro-rated.
If you do not have an Elk Member to propose your membership, we may be able to assist you. If you have any questions, please feel free to come in for a tour or call 239-947-2753. Our office hours are 10am- 2pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Our Lodge has been very successful at obtaining grants from the National Elks Foundation, (ENF), called the Community Investment Program grants. In addition, the Florida Elks have provided additional matching funds. Together these funds have been used to help outstanding local charities. Organizations that have benefited in the past 2 years are:
New Horizons of Southwest Florida is an organization dedicated to improving the education of at risk children in our area. They serve a group of 700+ kids, K-12, below the poverty level by providing tutoring and mentoring every day after school. Our grants have purchased computers that they can use at New Horizon after school locations and provide internet access so that their homework can be completed. Funds have also provided the materials for a literacy reading summer camp.
Hearts and Homes for Veterans sets up homeless veterans in housing by providing all the basic household items for the veteran to meet their daily needs. Our grant has been used to identify the items that are most in short supply including bedding, towels, cooking utensils, small appliances, and sanitation supplies. In addition, our lodge had a drive and 52 sets of new sheets were donated.
Our Mother’s Home is a shelter for pregnant girls from 12 to 19 years old that are pregnant through abuse, rape or trafficking. Our lodge held a Community Shower luncheon in February and lodge members and friends brought baby supplies and toys. Grant funds were used to purchase larger items, carriers, bedding and other supplies. In addition, we organized a literacy program conducted by the children education head from the Estero Library was provided.
Dr. Piper Center Provides assistance to frail seniors who live in our area and are below the poverty level. Our grant was used to purchase useful items to maintain health & emergency supplies. We packed kits that included long lasting battery lights, sanitation supplies and first aid kits that are needed.
Elks Lodge #2753 has recently completed its Military Wall titled "Honoring Our Veterans Who Proudly Served". This wall represents over 330 members who have served in all five military branches since WWll through Desert Storm. Several Lodge members worked long and arduous hours obtaining the needed information necessary to be placed on each individual name plate. The plates are mounted in chronological order of the member's tenure in our Lodge, with each veteran member's name, rank and branch of service being inscribed and affixed to the plaques. Additionally, those members that have passed away are identified with a star in the upper right-hand corner of the plate. Located in the center of the wall is a monitor displaying over seventy-seven pictures of our lodge veterans and war memorials. Just beneath the monitor is our Fallen Soldier Table. We are very proud of our Veterans and wish for everyone that enters our Lounge to recognize them for their service and sacrifice. This is the land of the free because of the brave!
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