Our Lodge offers a private room for members with a large bar, dance floor, and capacity for 150 restaurant reservations. Enjoy Karaoke on Thursday Evenings. Come to dance or listen to Live Music on Saturday evenings. Additionally, we hold many special dances and events throughout the year. This is a great venue in which to meet new friends and to catch-up with the many friends you made through the years. Come and join us for dinner or have a drink at our friendly bar. Please call for reservations, 239-947-2753 options 3 or 4.
Acceptable Attire: Casual Attire. Feel free to dress-up.
Unacceptable Attire: Hats, Short Shorts, Graphic T-Shirts, Men’s Muscle Tank Tops, Ripped, Tattered, Soiled Clothes. Clothing with Offensive, Inappropriate Designs or Stamps. Clothing should not be too revealing.
Reminder: Hats may not be worn in the Lodge during the day nor evening
Our Elks Lodge derives its new members from existing Elk Member(s) referrals who are in good standing. It is crucial to the success of every Elks Lodge that there is always an influx of new members to support the lodge as well as the charities supported by our membership. We ask that all existing members consider supporting a new member this year to support your lodge and indirectly to contribute to the many charities that depend on your Elks lodge for assistance. Membership applications are available at our Lodge, or upon request, mailed to you for your prospective new member to complete. Requirements and dues are printed in another area of our website. Please call 239-947-2753 so that we may provide additional information and to answer your questions.
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